Rarissme Public Relations
An agency specializing in branding, marketing, and public relations, dedicated to helping clients stand out from competitors and build lasting brand loyalty through professional services, guidance, and support.
6+ years of professional experience
In-house team of dedicated professionals
Offering public relations services and professional consulting to individuals, small businesses, celebrities, and beyond—helping you strategize, execute, and bring your brand or campaign ideas to life.
Influencer brand relations, e-press kit design & distributions, press release creation & distribution, social media growth & strategy production, media advisories & biographies
Consulting, development of marketing strategies, promotional plans & strategies for events, social media marketing, development & consultation for branding strategies
Consulting & strategy development, content creation, website design
Talk to RPR about your latest project or campaign, branding ideas, public relations representation and services we offer including “one-off” projects such as website design, press kits, media templates, or social media marketing advice.